At Round, we believe in transparency and collaboration.

Understanding our web design process can help our clients see the value and thoughtfulness we bring to each project. Here's a detailed walkthrough of how we approach website design from conception to launch.

Phase 1: Discovery

Initial Meeting: Every successful website begins with a thorough understanding of our client's needs. During the initial meeting, we assess your business goals, target audience, and desired website functionality.

Needs Assessment: We delve deeper into understanding the specific requirements and preferences for your website, ensuring that our strategy aligns with your business objectives.

Site Specification Review: Together, we review the site specs to ensure all technical and creative aspects are covered before moving forward.

Content Outline: We start crafting a content strategy, outlining key messages and the structure to ensure the site communicates effectively with your audience.

Phase 2: Content Development

Content Briefing: Our team prepares detailed content guidelines, setting the tone and style that will resonate with your target market.

Site Map Review: We develop a comprehensive site map that outlines the structure of the website, ensuring a logical flow between pages.

Content Creation: With the structure in place, our writers and content creators build engaging and optimized content that enhances your brand's message.

Phase 3: UI/UX Design

Wireframe Prototype: Our design team creates wireframes that serve as the blueprint for your website, focusing on usability, conversions and user experience.

UI Design + Wireframes Review: We refine the user interface, ensuring that the design is not only beautiful but also user-friendly.

Inner Page(s) Artwork Review: Each page is crafted with attention to detail, ensuring consistency and alignment with the overall design ethos.

Phase 4: Development and Launch

Front & Backend Coding: Developers turn designs into reality, ensuring robust and responsive coding that works across all devices.

Prototype Approval: Before going live, we review the site prototype with you, making necessary adjustments based on your feedback.

Content Migration & Population: We carefully migrate and populate content, ensuring everything is optimized and functional.

SEO Optimization: Essential SEO practices are implemented to enhance your site’s visibility and search rankings.

Phase 5: Support and Training

Final Review: We conduct a final assessment to ensure everything is polished and meets your expectations.

CMS Training: We provide training on how to manage your new site, empowering you to make updates and changes.

Ongoing Support & Consultation: Post-launch, we’re here to help with any issues or further development needs.

Our process is designed to be collaborative and transparent, ensuring that every website we build not only meets but exceeds client expectations. By carefully guiding you through each phase, we ensure that your website is a powerful tool for your business’s growth.

Ready to start your project with us? Contact us today to schedule your initial meeting!
Textured black surface with subtle variations, resembling rough stone or dark fabric, providing a rich background element.

to Transform

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